This eclectic dream-pop ensemble from Johannesburg has a magnetic energy that elevates their music. The sound stems from various styles, with evocative vocals at the essence of their songwriting. Forever changing and evolving, the band refers to their opus as somewhat of a musical ADD with Africa being their biggest influence.

The sound that is Bye Beneco has stemmed from a multitude of musical styles. Its organic composition, layered sounds and beautiful, evocative vocals are at the essence of their music.

Their sound is raw, organic, dreamy, ambient, ethereal with an underlying gypsy folk, dark prison blues spirit which
can be described as eclectic dream-pop with a dark underlying spirit on which the band prides itself.
The instruments include drums, guitar, percussion, vocals and any other weird and playful instrument that may cross their path.

''There's a freedom of expression with an instrument and knowing that anything from a table to running water can be music. This is what gives our music its spark."

Bye Beneco produces a unique energy that is palpable through their music.